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Interesting Traders Social Accounts You Might Want To Follow

Social media is huge! With every passing day, it becomes more and more integrated into our lives. Today, one of the ways to find out about anything that is trending or happening in the world is to check out social media platforms. And, of course, this goes for traders as well.

Many traders share their insights and strategies on social media. It can be a great way to follow other traders, learn new strategies, and get real-time market updates. Following these accounts can be extremely beneficial for your trading career! In this article, we’ve compiled a list of some interesting trader social accounts that you might want to follow on Instagram and Twitter.

Instagram Accounts

Instagram is known for its appeal and visual nature. So, naturally, many traders use this platform to share their trading insights.

1.      Financial times

With a whopping 2.7M followers, FT is one of the most popular financial publications on Instagram. They share market insights and news, as well as images from various events related to finance and trading. There are a lot of interactions in the comment section of every post, which can be helpful to get different perspectives from other traders.

2.      Notyourfathersbroker

Trading is fun, and if you love some good humor with your trading insights, then you should definitely check out this account. NYFB shares hilarious memes, cartoons, and jokes related to the markets and trading. This can be a great way to take a break from all the seriousness of trading and have some fun.

3.      Trader Cobb

With over 23 thousand followers, Trader Cobb is one of the most popular traders on Instagram. He posts about his trades, analysis, and insights. He also holds regular “Q&A” sessions where he answers questions from his followers.

4.      Bloomberg business

You cannot afford to miss out on Bloomberg’s insights if you are a serious trader. They have an extremely large following of over 4 million users and posts some of the most reliable news and market insights. The comment section is also a gold mine, with some posts having over 1000 comments.

5.      Erik Finman

If you are a novice into trading and need some little motivation, Erik Finman is the guy to follow. He is a young self-made millionaire who started trading penny stocks at the age of 12. He has achieved a lot of success at a very young age. At 18, he became a millionaire after trading in bitcoin. He now uses Instagram to share his trading insights and strategies.

6.      Trading 212

Trading 212 is a social trading platform that has over 2 million users. On their Instagram account, they share market updates, analyses, and insights from some of the top traders on their platform.

Twitter Accounts

Twitter is a great platform for traders as it provides real-time updates and allows for quick interactions with other traders. Some Twitter accounts you can follow are;

1.      Breakoutstocks

This account focuses on stocks that are breaking out and has over 25 thousand followers. They share real-time updates, analysis, and insights on stocks that are seeing a surge in price and volume.

2.      Stocktwits

If you want to know major indexes and what traders think about them, then Stocktwits is the account to follow. They share real-time updates on market movements and post insights from various traders. This can be helpful to get different perspectives on the markets.

3.      CNBC

One of the most popular business news channels, CNBC has a large Twitter following of over 4 million users. You are guaranteed to find real-time updates on all things finance and markets.

4.      Bespoke Invest

Bespoke is a research firm that focuses on global markets and shares its insights on Twitter. They have over 140 thousand followers and tweet about market updates, analysis, and insights.

5.      WSJ Markets

The Wall Street Journal is a leading financial publication, and their Twitter account is one you definitely want to follow. They share market updates, insights, and analyses from some of the top traders and analysts. This can be a great resource to keep up with the latest market trends.

How You Can Benefit From Social Media As A Trader

As seen above, many insightful traders and investors are sharing their knowledge on social media. You can benefit from this by following them and keeping up with their insights. This can help you improve your own trading strategies and make more informed decisions.

Another way you can benefit from social media is by networking with other traders. This can be a great way to exchange ideas, share insights, and learn from each other. The trading community is a supportive one, and you can learn a lot by interacting with other traders.

So, if you are looking for some insightful traders to follow on social media, then the accounts listed above are a great place to start. Keep up with their insights, and you will be sure to see improved trading results.

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