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Strategy: MACD

The MACD is a popular indicator among traders, used for forex trading and day trading. MACD stands for Moving Average Convergence Divergence.  Traders use the indicator to follow and establish trends showing the relationship between two price-moving averages.    Important to note also is that MACD is a lagging indicator, meaning it changes after an event … Read more

Did We Lose Faith in the Pharma Industry?

Manipulative patent litigation, price hikes, the rampant opioid epidemic, and most recently, the pandemic have all steadily but surely tainted the public’s view of big pharma. This article seeks to establish whether the public has indeed lost faith in this industry.  Before the pandemic set in, bringing a wave of deaths and lockdowns, trust in … Read more

Introducing: MACD

The Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) is an indicator based on trend following, which traders use to establish the correlation between two moving averages. It is a technical indicator used to point out moving averages that highlight new trends in any direction. Note that traders are keen on finding bullish and bearish trends to identify … Read more

Why Is the Stock Market Crashing?

Most people are familiar with the 2020 stock market crash caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Software, natural gas, real estate, entertainment, hospital, and healthcare stocks were all affected. While there was an expected gradual recovery in 2022, the stocks are still not doing well. The S&P 500 have gone down 20% since the beginning of … Read more

Strategy: Bollinger Bands

Developed by John Bollinger, Bollinger Bands define upper and lower price range levels in a chart. The bands are plotted as a standard deviation level below or above simple moving averages. The standard deviation creates distance between the bands, which adjusts when there are changes in underlying prices and volatility. Thus, Bollinger Bands are technical … Read more

What Do You Know About Commodities?

Commodities are the basis of the global economy as they are the raw materials used to produce energy, food, and clothing.  They are natural materials processed for human consumption. They are traded on many exchanges and provide investors with an opportunity to profit from the changing prices.  Commodities Explained As aforementioned, they are uniform or … Read more

What Happened in the Commodity Market Lately?

The Ukraine war, among other events, has shocked the commodities market, affecting production, consumption, and trade patterns. This has seen most prices reach historically high levels, which is projected to go to 2024.  Soaring energy prices have felt the energy market’s most significant impact. The cost of food commodities has also increased as Ukraine and … Read more